Our world is in motion every minute of the day and the skilled, dedicated team at Columbus Regional Airport Authority never stops as we facilitate passenger and cargo flow. Each day, we work to create exceptional travel experiences for passengers, strategic opportunities for businesses, and economic growth for Central Ohio.
Established through the Ohio Revised Code, the Columbus Regional Airport Authority is an independent government entity. Our Board of Directors guides us to be a collaborative, responsive, and trustworthy community partner.
Airports and business segments
Our airports and business segments serve a strategic purpose to benefit the Columbus Region business partners who depend on our successful operation and development.
John Glenn International (CMH) plays a vital role in passenger air service in the Columbus Region and provides access to 53 nonstop destinations with 11 airlines.
Rickenbacker International (LCK) is a cargo-focused airport positioned to move cargo with speed and service. LCK also provides general aviation services through Rickenbacker Aviation, and passengers have access to several vacation destinations through Allegiant Airlines from Rickenbacker.
Develop and operate our aviation system assets in a manner that provides passengers, businesses, and the community the highest level of service, safety, satisfaction, and economic benefit.
Our Strategic Blueprint
Transform the culture
Foster empowerment
Improve and streamline business performance
Drive to excellent results
Delight customers
Increase air service
Clean, working, and friendly
Create moments of delight
Plan for the future
Attract and retain a talented and nimble team
Prepare for midfield program development
Position Rickenbacker as a new global gateway
Be a trusted community partner
Champion diversity and inclusion
Strengthen community and stakeholder relationships
Facilitate smart economic development
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