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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Bringing strategy to life

CRAA 2021 DEI Council Portrait Collage

“When you include and listen to employees, they will deliver a business that is beyond expectations,” CRAA’s DEI Council co-chair Floria Washington

This is part two of our series highlighting CRAA’s DEI strategy. Read part one.

We listened. We developed a strategy. Next: We established a DEI Council.

Leading us on our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion journey is our DEI Council, launched in 2021 to help us transform our culture into one of inclusion, trust and respect. The 18 Council members – employee volunteers from departments all across the organization representing different ages, races, genders, religions, orientations, backgrounds and experiences – provide insight regarding culture, climate, equity, inclusion and diversity at work. The Council analyzes employee feedback, proposes actions and helps implement initiatives. With the DEI Strategic Blueprint as their guide, they work to enhance a culture where representation, opportunity and inclusion are essential.

“The Council represents the voices of our employees,” says Floria Washington, Human Resources Program Manager, Learning, Development, Diversity & Inclusion.

The three pillars of our strategy

Each council member is working on one of three priority teams with members of our executive staff. Having leadership work hand-in-hand with employees is proving successful and we’re already seeing positive transformation.

Leadership Commitment

DEI Practice Sharing Event | Create a DEI Council | Create a Pipeline Program

“I am looking forward to helping build a culture of trust and respect and help bridge the gap between senior leaders and the staff. We are all in this together and my hope is that we understand that we rise and fall together.” – Karmin Bailey, Director of Procurement, Compliance & Business Diversity

Employee Involvement

Launch a Mentoring Circle Program | Support Employee Engagement | Charter and Sustain a DEI Council

“My hope is that all employees approach these efforts with an open mind, a willing heart, an ear to multiple perspectives and a desire to be a part of the transformation. Change can be uncomfortable but necessary if progress and growth are to occur. CRAA is ready to forge a stronger culture with trust and respect as the foundation.” – Valarie Williams, Specialist, Procurement & Business Diversity


Develop and Launch a Manager Toolkit

“The goal is to gather insight and input from the workforce and, as Council members, we aim to effectively put together a framework to help shift mindsets, behaviors and best practices toward more equitable and inclusive leadership for all individuals within our organization.” – Ed Hadley, Inventory Technician

Looking forward

“We spend so much of our lives at work, we have the opportunity and choice to create an environment that is life-giving and inclusive,” says Floria.

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