Rickenbacker International Airport (LCK) supports the world’s largest aircraft yet it offers a wide range of scalable services for all aircraft types, including corporate, general aviation, commercial, air freight, and military. Companies using LCK discover a variety of advantages at this diverse logistics hub, including expert ground handling provided by exclusive fixed-base operator Rickenbacker Aviation.
Rickenbacker military partners
LCK is also home base for major air freight companies and logistics providers as well the Ohio Air National Guard 121st Air Refueling Wing.

Facilities & equipment
- Ground handling available 24/7
- On-site Customs available 24/7 with U.S. Customs clearance available by appointment
- Air traffic control operates 24/7
- Airport operations staff onsite 24/7
- Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting provided by Air National Guard
- Air freight operations separated from general aviation business
Airfield information
- Two parallel runways and taxiways include 05R/23L (12,103’x200’) and 05L/23R (11,902’x150’)
- Category I and II landing system for all-weather landing capabilities
- Automated weather observation system (AWOS-3)
- High-intensity runway edge lights
Pilot information
- Airport identifier: LCK
- Administration & information:
- Phone: 614.409.3660
- Fax: 614.409.3669
- Two parallel runways and taxiways include 05R/23L (12,103’x200’) and 05L/23R (11,902’x150’)
- For LCK coordinates, elevation, frequencies, and more, visit SkyVector for the most up-to-date information